Frp Grp Gratings
Frp Grp Gratings
Frp Grp Gratings
Frp Grp Gratings
Frp Grp Gratings

Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) grating, also known as fiberglass grating, is a plate-like material with many spaces made of glass fiber as reinforcement material and unsaturated polyester resin as a matrix through special processing and composite. FRP grating can be used as a structural material for floors, trench covers, platforms, ship decks, stairs, and walkways in corrosive environments. It has the characteristics of corrosion resistance and flame retardancy, nonmagnetic insulation, bright colors, and various styles and forms to choose from.

The gratings are woven through interlaced glass fibers and molded with resin casting as a whole. The fiberglass gratings board with many regularly distributed rectangular and square spaces has bidirectional isotropic mechanical characteristics. It can be widely used as a work platform, equipment platform, drilling platform, walkway, etc. in industries such as petroleum, chemical electronics, power, paper, printing and dyeing, electroplating, marine exploration, sewage treatment, etc. It is an ideal product in corrosive environments and is also suitable for civil construction facilities.

Corrosion resistance:

It has excellent corrosion resistance to various gas and liquid media such as acid, alkali, organic solvents, and salts, and has unparalleled advantages in the field of anti-corrosion. According to the actual usage requirements, ortho benzene type, meta benzene type, and vinyl type resins can be economically selected as matrix materials.

Lightweight, high-strength, and easy to cut and install:

Due to its composite structure of resin and glass fiber, its density is not more than 2 kilograms per cubic decimeter, only 1/4 of that of steel and 2/3 of that of aluminum. Its strength is 10 times that of rigid polyvinyl chloride, and its absolute strength exceeds that of aluminum and ordinary steel. Its lightweight can greatly reduce the foundation support, thereby reducing the material cost of the project. It is easy to cut and install, without the need for hot work or large lifting equipment, and only requires a small amount of manual labor and electric tools, greatly reducing the installation cost.

Aging resistance:

In theory, the service life is over 20 years.


You can choose any color. Can customize colors according to customer requirements and improve the production environment. The general colors of fiberglass gratings include yellow, black, gray, green, blue, red, and transparent or semi-transparent. During use, a single color can be used or it can be combined.